Greenwich Open Day | 10th June 2023
Open to all prospective students aged 7-12 years old and their parents to meet the AF Team and take part in our drama, singing and dance classes.

10th June 2023 | 1.30pm - 4.30pm | James Wolfe School, Randall Place, London SE10 9LA

Places are limited so we ask if you can no longer attend you give as much notice as possible out of fairness on those on the waiting list and the teachers who will be preparing the workshops.

Please register your interest below and full details will be sent to you shortly.
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Full Name of Parent/Carer: *
Full Name(s) of Child/ren: *
Contact Number (just in case we need to cancel last minute due to unforeseen circumstances): *
Email Address: *
Are you happy to join our database and be contacted with news and updates? *
Thank you for filling in this form.
We will be in touch shortly with details for the open day.
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