Thanks for your interest in joining Squad's accountability challenge pilot program! The challenge will last 10 days and the next cohort will start on Wednesday 8/31 @ 12PM GMT. A maximum of 8-9 people will be able to join each challenge group (max 15 spots will be available this round). Challenge participation and check-in’s will happen on Whatsapp.
In recent challenges, members have successfully committed to doing daily meditation, push-ups, reading, sleeping early, writing and more. Your daily commitment should be realistic and measurable with specific context—'s a quick intro video w/ more info about the challenge - completing this form, you'll get a Paypal link to pay a $5 challenge fee which will confirm your spot in the cohort. This fee ensures serious commitment and high quality engagement from everyone—as we develop the Squad app ( 🙌 (
If you are unhappy with the experience at any time, we'll refund you guaranteed 😁)Once the form & fee is completed, you'll get an email before the start of the program w/ more details!