Squad 🙌—10-Day Accountability Challenge
Thanks for your interest in joining Squad's accountability challenge pilot program! The challenge will last 10 days and the next cohort will start on Wednesday 8/31 @ 12PM GMT.  A maximum of 8-9 people will be able to join each challenge group (max 15 spots will be available this round). Challenge participation and check-in’s will happen on Whatsapp.

In recent challenges, members have successfully committed to doing daily meditation, push-ups, reading, sleeping early, writing and more. Your daily commitment should be realistic and measurable with specific context— https://presencechat.notion.site/Daily-commitment-write-up-ca876b5bd9bf45c8ad179564683debd7

Here's a quick intro video w/ more info about the challenge - https://youtu.be/HtxR7OfJ3wA

After completing this form, you'll get a Paypal link to pay a $5 challenge fee which will confirm your spot in the cohort. This fee ensures serious commitment and high quality engagement from everyone—as we develop the Squad app (https://www.joinsquad.co) 🙌 (If you are unhappy with the experience at any time, we'll refund you guaranteed 😁)

Once the form & fee is completed, you'll get an email before the start of the program w/ more details!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your email? *
What's your first name & last initial? *
ie Julie B.
What's your age? *
What's your gender? *
Which city & country do you currently live? *
ie New York, USA
What is your occupation? *
Which habits or goals do are you most interested in making progress on? *
What habit or goal do you want to work on for this 10-day accountability challenge? *
ie I want to build a habit of exercising regularly / I want to build a habit of taking care of household chores regularly / I want to build a habit of working on a personal project regularly..etc
What type of person do you want to become by achieving this habit or goal? *
ie become a active & fit person, become an avid reader, become someone who always finishes their projects..etc
Which specific, measurable and realistic action are you committed to doing daily for the 10 day challenge? *
💥This is most important! - Make sure your daily commitment is realistic and measurable with specific context —https://presencechat.notion.site/Daily-commitment-write-up-ca876b5bd9bf45c8ad179564683debd7 👉 I will [do action] at [time] in [this location] — I will do 50 push ups everyday at 7am for 15 minutes in my spare bedroom. 👉  After/before [current habit], I will [do action] —I will do 50 push ups everyday right before my daily breakfast.
The moderator will ask you to provide a quick intro for everyone at the start of the challenge and you will be held accountable to check-in everyday with your daily action (whether you did or didn't do it). We also will have some basic rules and guidelines to make the challenge a safe, fun and supportive experience. The purpose of the challenge is to support each other so everyone can make tangible progress toward their goals and habits. Is this something you can commit and agree to? *
(For fun) Describe something that’s made you smile recently 😊
(To get to know others better) What's your instagram, twitter, facebook or other social media profile link?
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