Align by Design - Coaching Application
In this container you will have:
- 3 months together
- 2 x 60min calls a month (total of 6 calls)
- WhatsApp support M-F
- Access to Kehla's courses, content for life (self-paced, GKBG, etc)
- Any additional resources needed for support

Additional modalities such as: hypnosis, meditations, journal prompts, course access, NLP, EFT, reiki, etc, will also be included in this coaching container together.

Payment plans can be discussed on a discovery call together if flexibility is needed to support you in this investment. Link to book a discovery call is at the end of this application form.

If you have any concerns or questions - feel free to email:
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your website? *
Please share your social media handles: IG, FB, podcast, etc. *
What is your Human Design? (Please also give your chart info so Kehla can look it up & run a connection chart as part of the application process) *
Tell me about your business! How long have you been in business, your clientele, what you're passionate about, etc. *
How confidently do you understand Human Design & Gene Keys? *
What is your experience with Human Design in your life & business? & how has it made a difference for you? *
What are some areas of your business that you're experiencing success that you're happy with? *
What is the biggest area of opportunity in your life and/or business right now that you want support with? *
Have you ever strictly worked 1:1 with a coach before? (Excludes 1:1 calls in a group program, etc.) *
If you replied yes to the previous question, what was your experience like? (What you enjoyed, what you didn't, etc.)
What are your expectations when it comes to 1:1 coaching as a client receiving support from a Coach? *
What specifically pulled you to want to get 1:1 coaching with Kehla? *
Why do you think yourself & Kehla would be a good fit? *
Is there anything Kehla should know about that may impact our time together? *
How do you know you're ready to work with a coach? *
What do you desire to happen over the next three months together? (Be as specific or non-specific as needed) *
Why do you think you haven't yet achieved these desires yet? (Stick with the facts & don't make yourself wrong!) *
What needs to happen in the next three months together that would have you go 'Wow, my life & business has definitely shifted and I feel effin' stoked about it'? *
What are ways that you self-sabotage that you want Kehla to be aware of so she can support you? *
What are you most concerned about over the next three months together? *
What are you most excited about? *
Are you ready to invest in yourself & move forward if Kehla invites you to be a client at this time? *
Is there anything else you'd like to add that wasn't mentioned on the form?
If you'd like to book a Discovery Call, please do so below after this application form has been completed. This is a Q&A session about the possibility of working together & not a coaching call.
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