CKS Walker Permission Slip
Student safety is a top priority at CKS, and we support and acknowledge the experience and necessity of walking to and from school. However, when parents consider allowing a student to walk to/from school, they should assess whether their child(ren) have the following, necessary characteristics to be a walker:

*Responsible enough to walk independently, without a parent.
*Able to navigate directions in order to walk independently.
*Able to cross the street successfully without adult supervision.
*Able to problem-solve issues that might arise on their walk home or thereafter.

To confirm that parents have made this assessment and have concluded that their child(ren) are capable of being a walker, and before CKS staff will release a student to leave the school premises as a walker, CKS requires this electronically signed permission slip to be on file for each school year. Walkers will be dismissed once afternoon carline has cleared the front parking lot.

Following afternoon announcements, students who are walkers will be expected to:

1.  Adhere to all expectations set forth by the supervising faculty/staff member, who will enforce school policy through disciplinary consequences if/when needed.

2.  Wait in their classroom until called to dismiss from their location.

3.  Exit using the designated door and remain in the parking lot crosswalk until they reach the sidewalk, following all faculty/staff directions.  Cutting through the landscape will lead to disciplinary action.*

3.  Keep cell phones put away. Students may not use their cell phones until the walker dismissal process is complete, and the supervising faculty have released students at the sidewalk.*  Cell phones used during the dismissal process will be confiscated by the supervising faculty and brought to the office. Cell phones should not be seen or heard.

*Once carline has cleared the front lot, students will be dismissed and supervised by CKS faculty/staff until reaching the Cochran Road sidewalk in front of the school.  Due to the overall dismissal activity across campus, faculty members will NOT be available to walk with students beyond the Cochran Road sidewalk in front of the school.  After being released to the sidewalk, and for their own safety, students should NOT cross the street until they have reached a CROSSWALK.  Once students have left CKS property, we are NOT responsible for student behavior and/or disciplinary issues that may arise as students walk home.

Any student who does NOT have this form on file will NOT be allowed to walk home at dismissal, and he/she will instead be taken to the school office to call their parent/guardian to arrange for pick-up.  If pick-up has not occurred by 3:10 p.m., the student will be transferred to our Extended Day Program (EDP), where they can be supervised, and parents will be billed the EDP daily drop-in fee of $20 through RenWeb.
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List Family Name *
Student 1 (Full Name and Grade) *
Student 2 (Full Name and Grade) *
Student 3 (Full Name and Grade) *
Student 4 (Full Name and Grade) *
Days of the week your child(ren) will walk. *
PERMISSION AND AGREEMENT: By checking the box below and electronically submitting this permission slip, I agree, on behalf of my family, to all criteria listed above, and that we will NOT hold Christ the King School and/or its faculty and staff responsible for matters arising after our child(ren), listed above, have left school property as a walker. This includes, but is not limited to, a student's actions in failing to observe social distancing guidelines to reduce potential exposure to SARS-Cov-2/COVID-19.  I/We acknowledge that CKS faculty/staff will NOT escort their student(s) beyond the sidewalk of Cochran Road.  In addition, I/we agree to follow the general CKS transportation policy when arrangements might change.  Please see section 109 in the Parent/Student Handbook for further information. *
Parent Name (serves as your signature) *
Date *
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