BVC Mentor Form: Caffeinated Conversations
Thank you so much for taking interest in becoming a Boulder Venture Club Mentor! 

We aim to have mentors matched with a student within 3-4 weeks. Once matched with a mentee, you will receive their contact information— we encourage mentees to reach out to you first, so we appreciate your patience as our members practice their networking and outreach skills. 

We encourage our mentees to reach out to meet with their mentors once a month, but communication frequency/details are ultimately decided by you and your mentee.

Please reach out to or Cat Pham ( for further inquiries about the mentorship program and matching process. 
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What is your first and last name? *
What industry(s) have you had experience in? *
What organization are you currently working with?
What do you wish to contribute to your mentee? *
Where are you located? *
What is your mentorship meeting preference? *
What is your email? *
What is your phone number?
Please provide your LinkedIn URL: *
Thank you for investing your time in tomorrow's innovators! 
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