2025-2026 Niigaanendadaa Application
Formerly known as the Mentor Learner Program
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Email *
Phone Number *
English Name  *
Anishinaabe Name
If you have an Anishinaabe name and would like to share, please do so here. You can also include your clan.
Date of Birth *
Which Anishinaabe community are you from, or connected with? *
What are your preferred gender/pronouns?
If you are comfortable sharing.
Why did you decide to apply for this Anishinaabemowin program? 
What experience(s) do you have with learning Anishinaabemowin so far? i.e. classes in school, community programs, talking to family members, etc. *
Do you currently have access to a reliable computer and internet access at home? *
Do you use any learning supports or tools in your everyday school courses? i.e. IEP, Talk to Text, etc.
Please list any that learning supports or tools that you use.
When you think about your future career, which field of study do you think you will pursue? *
When you are settled in your chosen future career, how do you imagine Anishinaabemowin might be beneficial to your career and life? *
Which courses are you enrolled in for the 2024-25 school year? Please list all of your courses. *
Do you currently have any extracurriculars or part time jobs that could influence your schedule for this program? i.e. sports, trainings, etc. *
I acknowledge that I will enroll in an Anishinaabemowin course offered at my High School each year, and I will demonstrate good attendance and academic progress in order to remain in the Mentor-Learner Program.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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