Venture With Us
Thank you for your interest in Veterans Collaborative. We look forward to hearing from you. We can help provide the framework you need to make a difference as a fiscally sponsored project.

Please note, Veterans Collaborative does not accept unsolicited letters of inquiry, proposals, or applications for funding. This form is to become a fiscally sponsored project of Veterans Collaborative. Completion of this form does not guarantee your organization will be awarded any funding from Veterans Collaborative.

We respect your privacy. Please view our Privacy Policy for more information about how we use your data.
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Correo *
Organization Name *
Legal Contact First Name *
Legal Contact Last Name *
Legal Representative Title *
Are you able to complete this form on behalf of your organization? *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Organizational Mailing Address *
Organizational website (if applicable) *
What is your current legal status? *
Are you able to provide documentation of your current status? *
I would like to:
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How did you hear about us?
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Fiscal Year End-Date *
Stage of Organization
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Current Operating Budget
Please provide a description of your organization including its mission.
Please describe your main sources of income that helps you fulfill your mission.
Do you employ Veterans and Military Family members?
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