WYCAS Cashbook
Our Excel cashbook is free to download. Please complete this short form to gain access.

We also provide free training on how to use it to community groups and organisations based in West Yorkshire on a monthly basis.  Please see the WYCAS website for further information.

Cashbook Update 2023

Here are the changes we’ve made:

We’ve provided a more comprehensive instructions tab.

We now have a separate tab where you set up all of the headings, funds, bank account names, months etc.

 For the funds list we have added the option for a start and finish date and a space for a few words to describe the purpose – these appear on the main report.

We also have more funds on the list.

We have added one more bank account – there are now five. But of course you can rename them and use them as bank or cash accounts / savings accounts etc.

We have more receipts and payments categories.

We have added a report tab which you can use as your year-end report or to create a budget monitoring report.

We have added an extra column in the bank account input tabs so you can add more information about a transaction.

We’ve colour coded the tabs to help navigate your way around the workbook.

Once you have submitted this form,  please check your inbox for the download link. (Please also check your junk folder). If you have not received your download within 10 minutes, please contact us at info@wycas.org.uk.

(You do not need to be logged in to Google to complete this form)

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Please tell us your email address so we can send you a download link: *
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