Form # 2  Request for Address
The information you provide is for the use of Sewing for Native Nations only.  Please fill out this form to get an address for your mask/scrub cap donations.  *Please note that addresses are assigned on Mondays, so please send in your form by Sunday night.    

IMPORTANT NOTES:  We can only send masks that are ***three or more layers of 100% cotton*** to our contacts.  If you have two layer masks to donate, please add another layer.  If this is not possible, please note this in the comments section under mask style.
Also,  if you have anything other than PPE’s (Masks or Scrubcaps) to donate… please use form 10 (Knitted or Crocheted items) followed by form 9 for tracking purposes.
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Email *
Are you mailing from within the USA? *
Are you from the group Crafting Change? *
Is this the second request for an address for the same shipment? *
How many scrub caps?  If none, please type in 0 (zero). *
How many child masks?  Please answer in numeric form.  If none, please type in 0 (zero). *
How many teen masks?  Please answer in numeric form.  If none, please type in 0 (zero). *
How many adult masks?  Please answer in numeric form.  If none, please type in 0 (zero). *
How many XL adult masks?   Please answer in numeric form.  If none, please type in 0 (zero). *
What style masks?  Please include number or layers and indicate if there is a filter pocket.                                 If masks are less than ****three layers****, we will ask that you send the masks to one of our volunteers to add a layer before they are donated. *
What material kind of material? *
What kind of ties? *
Have you used any fabric designs that may be questionable?  If so, please list specifics. *
Your Name *
Phone number *
Please list your mailing address: *
Other Information
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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