2021 Ramapo Raider Marching Band       Registration Form
Please fill out this form to register for the 2021 Ramapo Raider Marching Band.

There are 2 possible Band Camp weeks this summer:
Sunday, August 1-Friday, August 6 if we can go away to East Stroudsburg
Monday, August 16- Friday, August 20 if we will be having camp at Ramapo High School

Please make every effort to block out both weeks.

There will also be rehearsals scheduled the last 2 weeks of August and a possible game on September 3. Scheduling vacations in July is always a good choice. I realize how difficult things have been for families. Just do the best you can.

If we have camp at Ramapo, the cost will be $50 per person to cover the cost of shirts and bags. The cost of the East Stroudsburg Camp will be determined at a later date. Please do not send any money at this time.
Last Name *
First Name *
Instrument *
Grade *
Street Address *
Town *
Best phone number to reach a parent/guardian *
Student cell number *
Parent/Guardian 1 Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 Cell Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian 1 Email Address *
Parent/Guardian 2 Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Cell Phone Number
Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address
I will put together a group email for the 2021. Which email address would you like included? *
If the band is able to attend Band Camp at East Stroudsburg, would you allow your child to attend? *
Dietary Restrictions/Allergies/Medical Restrictions *
Tee shirt size *
Middle School Attended (MS students only)
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