MSO at Home Livestream Survey
Thank you for joining us offstage! We'd love your input as we build our future online offerings. Your answers will help us learn what you liked and what you think we can improve upon.
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You are answering questions regarding MSO at Home Livestream: Spotlight on the MSYO
Disregarding any technical difficulties you may have experienced, how satisfied were you with the content of Spotlight on the MSYO featuring Ryan Murray & Don Grishaw *
We'll address any technical issues in a later question.
Very Satisfied
Did you watch this recital live on September 23 at 7pm? *
Where do you live?
If you live outside of California, please indicate your state in the "Other" category.
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Are you a subscriber or season ticket holder to the Modesto Symphony Orchestra?
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Which of the following topics would be of interest to you for future livestreamed events? *
Please check as many that apply.
Did you experience any technical difficulties with this livestream? *
If yes, please specify what the difficulties you experienced.
How was your audio quality?
Low Quality
High Quality
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How was your video quality?
Low Quality
High Quality
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Lastly, please let us know if you have any other feedback.
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