CHS Strategic Planning Comment Form (October 2022)

The College of Humanities and Sciences is the intellectual heart of Virginia Commonwealth University. With 17 departments and schools, five Centers and Institutes, and three additional academic programs, the College’s impact reaches far beyond VCU’s campus and deep into the communities in Virginia. Our distinguished faculty and dedicated staff are deeply committed to providing our diverse students with transformative learning experiences. Our strategic plan Excellence Beyond Boundaries, launched in 2017, has been a complement to the university’s Quest 2025: Together We Transform strategic plan and exemplified the central role of the College at VCU.

As the university is completing the recalibration of its strategic plan, the College now will also update and revise its own strategic vision. During the last few years our world has changed dramatically and higher education operates in a different landscape. Our strategic priorities now need to align with the lessons we have learned and to reflect them in our future goals. For that reason, the College will engage its communities in this process during the 2022 fall semester.

In this strategic planning process, the CHS Strategic Planning Task Force and Advisory Group need the participation of faculty, staff, students, and our community partners. At the start of the process, we invite our CHS community to provide suggestions for the three focus areas that the Task Force and Advisory Group have identified: 

  1. Transforming Learning and Student Engagement

  2. Fostering Research Excellence and Innovation

  3. Co-creating Thriving Communities Within and Beyond

The Task Force and Advisory Group have formulated the goal to include strategies to improve issues of diversity, inclusion and equity in all three focus areas. 

The College of Humanities and Sciences has also created a strategic planning website that will be regularly updated. On the website you will find the process outline and timeline for the different planning stages, the members of our Strategic Planning Task Force and Advisory Group as well as a link to our current strategic plan. 

To provide your input at the beginning of this strategic planning process, please attend one of our three community forums and answer the following questions. You can be selective in which questions to answer. It is not required to answer all of them. No identifying information will be automatically collected when you answer the questions, providing your name is optional. Alternatively, you can also contact one of the members of the Strategic Planning Task Force and Advisory Group and provide them with your feedback. 

While this comment form will remain open through the strategic planning process, the preferred date to submit your feedback is Monday, October 17, 2022.

You can provide your name and department/school/unit here (optional).  

How should the College improve in the following areas of equitable and transformative learning and student engagement:

1) student success

2) enrollment
3)  recruitment and retention
4) curriculum innovation
5) scholarship of teaching and learning

What should the College of Humanities and Sciences do to foster an environment of equitable research excellence and innovation that aligns with VCU’s R1 status?

How would you describe an equitable, diverse and thriving community within the College of Humanities and Sciences and in broader communities?

How can the College of Humanities and Sciences co-create equitable and diverse thriving communities across stakeholders (i.e., students, staff, faculty, administrators) within the College and in broader communities?

Which practices in your department or school have been successful in regards to the three focus areas of the strategic planning process and could be a model for the College as whole?

Do you have other comments or suggestions regarding other issues for the College of Humanities and Sciences?

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