2025 New Business Sponsorship

Thank you for choosing to become a Contributing Business Member of the Bad Rock Council. Your annual membership dues of $100 will help us promote our events. This helps boost our exposure which contributes to overall attendance and grows our fundraising efforts. We donate ALL event proceeds to Hungry Horse, Martin City Volunteer Fire Departments, and the Canyon Quick Response Unit.Your membership to Bad Rock Council allows you to vote on how we spend and disperse the funds we raise, gives you a seat at the planning table (only if you want one, attendance is not required), and most importantly gives our team the ability to promote your business as a supporting member to our collective cause, which is keeping the community safe.

Please pay for your membership online HERE.
In the "ADD A MESSAGE" tab please write your Vendor Name and Type.

We also accept payment in forms of cash or check. 
Please make all checks payable to BAD ROCK COUNCIL

*All payments are a non-refundable donation


Bad Rock Council
PO BOX 190401
Hungry Horse, MT 59919
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First & Last Name: *
Business Name *
Phone Number: *
Email *
Social Media Handle: (ex: @cabinfeverdays)
Business Address: (Street, City, State)
Mailing Address: (Street, City, State)

I give the Bad Rock Council permission to use my business website and social handle to share our support for Cabin Fever Days on their website and social media accounts.

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I'd like to learn about the advertising/sponsorship packages available to show my support for the Cabin Fever Days Fundraiser.
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