Danganronpa Roleplay Game Submission
Fill this form for your chance to be admitted in the game!
Keep in mind that all of my games take place in an AU where Monokuma reigns over a dystopian society based on controlled chaos and the hate of anyone who is an Ultimate. Your character is born in a world like this so they will know about Monokuma and about how things work. Don't worry, I will answer any questions in the server! 
Are you (the player) 16+? *
Your discord username, please! Make sure to allow messages from strangers or I won't be able to contact you. In case you'd rather not allow them, add me on discord viv3020 *
Character's Name *
Character's Ultimate Talent *
Describe your character's personality and aspect *
Why does you character take part in the game? (Personal reasons, got forced to take part by Monokuma etc.) *
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