Shadow Work Coaching Sessions
Private shadow work sessions are an opportunity to work with various spirit-led healing modalities to explore the more difficult aspects of our magickal, spiritual, and emotional journeys.  

Similar to life coaching, I will be your companion and your support for whatever work needs to be done at the time.  Shadow work can bring up a lot of difficult and\or triggering emotions and memories so it is important that you feel safe, heard, & supported.
I will support you by facilitating guided meditations, energy work & healing, discussion,  movement,  tarot & oracle intuitive guidance, journaling, and reflective exercises. Sessions are entirely unique and may include any combination of the above.

In our first session, we will assess what themes or feelings you are needing assistance and I will introduce you to journey work and guided energy healing exercises to help build our energetic connection.

From there, all sessions are intuitively guided and unique based on your needs at that time.

Each Session is 2hrs
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Please note that al in-person appointments will be 'Forest Sessions' until December 2021. Online Sessions over Zoom.
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