"There is a huge gap between theoretical understanding and the primordial simplicity of the three gates of body, speech and mind. No matter how intelligent we may sound, in the end it doesn’t change much!
"Through formal sitting practice, we will explore how we are continually fooled and beguiled by our own conditioning, and learn how to reverse this experience into our own natural state.
"First, we discover how to still body, speech and mind. Then, we discover how the movement that arises in that quiet space enfolds as wisdom."
Starts 4pm Thursday 11th July and ends 12noon (UK time) Tuesday 16th July 2024 at Kunselling, UK and on Zoom
Morning and afternoon sessions on Zoom: 10am to 12noon and 4pm to 6pm (UK time)
The focus of the retreat is on the sitting and rushen practice described above - but we will also do some other practices such as Chod, Shitro, Guruyoga of white A and Jnanadakini.
Requirement - you have received transmission from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Namkhai or have a serious interest in receiving the transmission from Yeshi Namkhai.
Accommodation per night - £27 (non-members), £14 (ordinary members) or £12 (sustaining members and Kunselling package)
Food - £5 breakfast, £7 lunch, £7 supper
Offering to the teacher - by donation
Please pay by bank transfer: Dzogchen Community UK, HSBC, 40-02-03, 01077384, International Bank Account Number (IBAN) GB44HBUK
40020301077384, Branch Identifier Code (BIC/SWIFT) HBUKGB4105R.
Or Paypal (specifying "Landsberg Retreat"):
For any enquiries or questions please contact the organiser: hastudholme@gmail.com