Coaching Onboarding
This will give me a great understanding of your current business model and how we can successfully partner to bring in more sales for you over the next six or 12 months.
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Email *
Name *
Can you put your social media links below?  Thanks! *
What is your business? *
Who is your target audience? *
What are your products/services? *
What social media platforms are you actively using? *
What email platform are you currently using for your email list? *
What is your opt-in for your email list or how do you grow your email list currently? *
What is your current marketing strategy?  (An overview is fine) *
What is your primary social media platform that you utilize for your business? *
How are you currently getting clients on social media? *
How many times per week are you posting content on your primary social media platform(s)? *
How often are you doing live trainings/webinars/masterclasses? *
How often do you sell on social media? *
Do you utilize stories on Instagram or Facebook? *
How often are you doing social media engagement per week? *
How often are you doing lead generation activities on social media? *
Do you feel that A.) You are getting leads but no one is converting because it's too expensive, not enough trust etc to work with you? or B.) You aren't finding any leads or it's hard to find leads? *
In your ideal world, what content do you want to create to get leads? *
In your ideal world, how do you want to connect with your ideal clients daily? *
What is the most pressing issue in your business as of today? *
Lauren is only accepting a limited number of participants for this coaching model.  What makes you deserving of this position and how would this coaching model benefit you? *
I understand that it is a 10% revenue share PLUS $300/month. *
I would like to work with Lauren in this capacity for: *
Anything else you would like to add that we didn't cover above.
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