Domestication and Foreignization in Translation
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Domestication and Foreignization in Translation, Univerisity of Connecticut
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1. Foreignization is a translation method which attempts to replicate the style, syntax and cultural context of the source text. *
1 point
2. In foreignization, the translator often uses phrases and wording which is uncommon in the language of the translation. *
1 point
3) Schleiermacher's preferred translation method was __________________ . *
1 point
4. According to Venuti, no translation can provide direct or unmediated access to the source text. *
1 point
5) Using sentence patterns from the source language is wrong. *
1 point
6) Translators should always remind their readers that the text they are reading is not a text originally written in the target language. *
1 point
7) Name three methods which translators (who prefer foreignization) use to make their translations feel foreign and unfamiliar. *
1 point
8) Who popularized the terms "Domestication" and "Foreignization"? *
1 point
9) Whose translation do you prefer? *
1 point
10) Which translation method do you think translators should use? *
1 point
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