Speed-friending: The Nesting Place

Friends are a rare and wonderful thing, so when you have the chance to meet someone new, it’s important that you grab it! Join PCC for a night of friendship, making fun at our Speed-friending event. It’s a night you don’t miss!

WHEN: Monday, Nov 18th, 5:30-7pm

WHERE: The Nesting Place
2150 Merrick Ave, Merrick, NY 11566

-Space is limited. We asked everyone who registers to make sure they attend. 

- We will be playing the official Speed Friending game! There will be two moderators available to help you learn all the rules and answer any questions. 
- The game itself should last around an hour. After the game ends you will be free to mingle, make friends and grab some snacks. 
- The goal of this event is to give you the opportunity to meet people that share your interests and could potentially become long-term friends. While we encourage open conversation, we ask that you respect each others privacy and comfort levels in regards to sharing personal information. 
- This is not a dating event. Our goal is to encourage friendship.

Contact info@positivecc.org with any questions
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