Equipment/clubrooms rental

The Lovelock Track can be booked using the Auckland Council's online booking system.

The park is called the May Road War Memorial Park, and the two areas to book are:

  • Athletics track
  • Softball 5 Jnr (for the in-field area)

The 400m track has 6 lanes with relevant markings. There are also two long jump pits and a discus and shot put circle.

There are two public toilets onsite.

If you have a track booking in place, we may be able to help with equipment hire for athletics events, and/or clubrooms access. We charge $450/day for this, subject to availability.

To request equipment/clubrooms hire, please complete the following form. We'll get back in touch to confirm and arrange payment.

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Email *
1. What is your name? *
2. Organisation name *
3. Contact telephone number *
4. Requested date for booking *
5. Arrival time *
6. Departure time *
7. Please briefly describe the nature of your event (eg school athletics day) *
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