Experience Israel Tour 2024 (East Coast - BOS)
Travel Dates: JUNE 17-26, 2024
Costs (per person): $4850.00 FROM LOS ANGELES, CA (LAX) & BOSTON MA (BOS)

Please indicate your interest by completing the form below. You will be asked to make a $100 non-refundable pre-registration fee to hold your place, and a required $500 deposit to Eagles Wings Travel upon completed registration. Thank you! 
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Last Name *
First Name *
Email *
Cell Phone *
Name of Home Church
Do you have a current & valid passport? *
Country of Passport Issuance
(The passport issuing country is the name of the country that issued your passport, e.g United States, Canada, Mexico, etc.)
Passport Expiration Date *
First Trip to Israel? *
Please visit https://pushpay.com/g/laconiafoursquarechurch?src=hpp to make pre-registration deposit. Select Fund "Event Registration." "Israel Tour 2024" will show as Sub-Fund. Deposit is $100.

I have made the pre-registration deposit.
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