Arts Thrives: Drawing on Sculpture Workshop at NOMA Financial Assistance Request
NOMA is excited to provide a limited amount of financial assistance awarded on a need-based sliding scale. Requests will be reviewed and funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please complete the request form before registering for the Drawing on Sculpture Workshop. Upon completing the form, a NOMA Learning and Engagement team member will reach out to you to process your request and provide the appropriate registration promotional code. Please note that if you are offered a promotional code, it is good for one individual only. Questions? Please email
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Full Name *
Address: Street, City,  State, Zip Code
Phone Number *
Are you 55 or older?  *
Please indicate the discounted amount that you are able to pay to attend Art Thrives: Drawing on Sculpture Workshop. *
Are you a NOMA Member?
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