Host a Little Big Forest fundraising event sign up
    While our population is relatively small, geographically Stoddard is the second largest town in Cheshire County.  Over the past 40 years private landowners working with land trusts have protected 65% of the land in town,  these conservation lands help to define who we are.
     In 2020, when COVID~19 came to town, it brought a tsunami of new growth; people with summer homes began converting and upgrading them for year round use.  The few remaining undeveloped lots along Shedd Hill, the shores of Highland Lake and elsewhere in town, began hosting new residents. Fibercast high-speed internet became the great enabler!
    One area that has miraculously escaped growth and development, for decades, is NOW on the market:  three lots totaling 40+ acres with over 4,000 feet of pristine frontage along the southern end of Highland Lake near the narrows.
     Mr. Wilson bought the land to provide a place to teach his kids how to camp and fish and to discover the secrets and joys of the natural world.  On July 8, 2021, Stoddard conservation commission chair Geoff Jones met with Mr. Wilson and his realtor to discuss his land.
    We have the tall, but doable task of raising enough funds to purchase the property and set up a stewardship fund totaling roughly $1.5 Million. The good news is so far we have applied for two grants that would provide $1.1 Million if we win both grants, leaving us to raise the remaining amount.
We need your help!
We are looking for people on or around Highland Lake that would be willing to host one of our many planned wine and cheese fundraising events.
    Tell your lake story, be a part of the legacy that saves this pristine land parcel so that Stoddard kids and future generations can learn to camp, fish, and discover the secrets and joys of the natural world.

Please fill out the form and we will be in touch
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What date(s) will you be able to host an event?
How many people will you be willing to host?
What provisions would you be willing to provide? (Wine, Cheese, snacks, etc)
Would you be able or willing to give a presentation or would you prefer someone else (guest speaker)  give a presentation about the project?
Would you be able host indoors or outdoors or either?
Would you prefer to send specific invites to your list of contacts, or would you be ok for open public invite?
What is your street address?
Best way to contact you?
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