Sign up form Yoga Nidra teacher training
Please fill in this form to sign up for the teacher training.
Please make sure you click on the SUBMIT button, and you'll get a thank you message on your screen. 
We will back back to you with a confirmation letter and an invoice.
(Estimated response time: 48 hours.)
Please note that you are not obliged to attend until you have paid a deposit.

All the information that you are giving us is confidential.
Please contact us if you have any questions and we're happy to help:
More information about each course can be found at and

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name and Surname (as you want it printed on your certificate)
Phone number (incl country code)
Date of birth
Which course would you like to sign up for? 
For Yoga Nidra Courses in SWEDISH, you'll find more information here: 
What would you like to see included in this course?
If you feel you need any support regarding any aspect of this course, please let us know and we’ll do our best to help you.
Have you completed yoga teacher trainings before?
(Please note that this is not mandatory to sign up for the Yoga Nidra course)
Are you already teaching yoga? If yes, please list the styles below.
Do you already have a regular Yoga Nidra practice? 
Do you take any medications?
If you have any concerns about mental or physical health problems, please let us know. This is for us to know how to modify the practice in a healthy way that will be for your benefit.
How did you hear of this course? 
What made you choose this course? 
If you have any questions or anything else you'd like to mention, feel free to write it here.
Terms & Conditions *
GDPR: We promise you that Yoga Treat will securely store your data in a password protected folder which only Melanie Cooper and Jennie Wadsten have access to. Your data will NOT be shared with anyone else. YogaTreat will keep your data for five years. Once this time period has expired, we will delete your data. If you would like us to delete it before that date just let us know.
NOTE! Please make sure that you click on the "SUBMIT" button, otherwise your booking won't reach us. We'll reply within 48 hrs. If you haven't heard back from us within 48 hours - please check your spam box and the "social" tab in your inbox, and/or contact us. Thank you so much.  *
Thank you so much!  (If nothing happens when you click "submit": make sure you have ticked in all the required boxes, marked with a red star above.) <3
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