Minecraft: The Cataclysm
TIME: APRIL 9th 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
COMMUNICATION DISCORD: https://discord.gg/sFKnryBzs7
Minecraft: The Cataclysm is a hardcore survival Minecraft experiment where a large group of players will wake up stranded on an island in the void, and must survive 10 minecraft days of oncoming events heading there way as the island slowly rips apart around them. Will everyone band together to survive the oncoming disasters, or will diminishing resources tear the world apart?  
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What is your Minecraft Name *
How did you hear about this game? *
Are you planning on installing and using the Simple Voice chat Mod for the duration of the event? More information on that mod and how to install it is provided in the Minecraft with Top Hats discord. The mod is not required for play. *
1 point
Make sure to join the event communication discord and change your name to match your Minecraft name: https://discord.gg/sFKnryBzs7
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