National Capital Astronomers -- Membership
Thank you for your interest in joining (or renewing your membership with) the National Capital Astronomers! Please provide the following information:

(In order to get Star Dust, you will need a valid email address.)
Phone *
Mailing Address
In which NCA activities are you interested? *
Attending monthly scientific lectures on some aspect of astronomy
Making scientific astronomical observations
Observing astronomical objects for personal pleasure at relatively dark sites
Attending large regional star parties
Doing outreach events to educate the public, such as Exploring the Sky
Building or modifying telescopes
Participating in travel/expeditions to view eclipses or occultations
Combating light pollution
Science Fair Judging
Are there other activities that are not listed but you think NCA should offer?
Do you have any special skills, such as videography, graphic arts, science education, electronics, machining, etc.?
Are you interested in volunteering for: *
Yes, I can help
I can help a little
I'd need to learn a bit
Not right now, but maybe one day
Telescope making
Exploring the Sky
other outreach activities
Star Dust (NCA newsletter)
serving as an NCA officer or trustee
assisting with the website
assisting with social media
Science Fair Judging
Membership Levels *
If student, where?
PAYMENT: I plan to pay via... *
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