Global Classroom Connect registration
Completing this Google Form will register you for this  '23-'24 yearlong professional development.  Every attempt will be made to partner you with a partner teacher before our next Zoom meeting which is on October 17th.

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Country you teach in?
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First Name *
Last Name *
email address *
1. How many years have you been involved with this project? 

* for US school teachers
This is my ______ year involved with this project.
Options: First, Second, or Third.

* for Taiwan school teachers:
Options: (1)、(2a)、(2b) or (3), 請單選。
(1) This is my 2nd year involved with this project(111學年度由中正大學媒合加州夥伴學校,為教育部姊妹校互惠機制計畫參與學校).

(2) This will be my 1st year involved with this project if my school can be partnered with a US school
     (2a) 112學年度希望有機會媒合到美國的學校 ,教育部姊妹校互惠機制計畫參與學校。
     (2b) 112學年度希望有機會媒合到美國的學校 ,教育部姊妹校互惠機制計畫參與學校。

(3) Others: ________________________(請說明)。
1-1  If you have been involved in this project in the past, please list the name of the teacher and their school that you were partnered with.
e.g. Union Street Charter School/ Greg Gaiera
e.g. Chiao Hsin Elementary School/ Frede Chen
1-2  I would like to be partnered with the above teacher in the upcoming school year again.
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1-3  If you do not want to be partnered with your past partner teacher, please explain why, so we can find a better fit for you!
2.  Your School Name/District *
3. Name of  your State/ County/ City *
e.g. California/ Humboldt County/ Arcata
e.g. Changhua County/ Yuan Lin City
4. How many students do you work with this project this year(for Global Classroom Connect project)? *
e.g. 26 students for Grade 4/ 26 students for Grade 5.......
5. Grade Level(s) (check all that apply) *
6. I am okay with working with another classroom that is not my grade level, but still in my grade band. (K-2, 3-5, 6-8).  e.g. A 3rd grade class in the US could be partnered with a 4th grade class in Taiwan. This may be necessary depending on the numbers of teachers that are interested. *
7. I am interested in
8. (Only applicable for US school teachers)There are a number of schools in Taiwan that are interested in having a "sister school" in the U.S. A sister school relationship could take many different shapes, but, it would essentially involve multiple classes and grades from one U.S. school partnering with multiple classes and grades from one Taiwanese school. A "point person" is necessary from each sister school site. The point person would communicate more frequently with TCCC managers (Greg and Frede), and would be responsible for gathering and sending their school's projects to Taiwan.  If your school is interested in starting a sister school relationship, please explain how many classrooms and grades you would likely involve. A point person does not have to be designated yet.  If you do have a point person at your site, please indicate who that is in the next question.
e.g. Kindergarten- 1 class- 30 students
       1st grade- 2 classes- 20 students for each class
       2nd grade-1 class - 23 students
       3rd grade- 3 class - 25 students for each class.....................
9. My school site's point person:

e.g. Frede Chen/ teacher (my self)
10. An exchange can either be a physical package that is mailed to your partner teacher or a digital exchange done on a platform like Flip or Padlet.
1) Most teachers in the past have thought that 3 exchanges were a reasonable number to accomplish in a year.
2) If there are multiple teachers at your school site you do not need to do the same number of exchanges.

I am interested in doing _____ exchanges in a year.

(Every effort will be made to partner you with a teacher that wants to do a similar number of exchanges.)
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11. I can attend four - 1 hour Zoom meetings throughout the year. The first session will be on  September 19th from 4:30-6:00 CA time(Taiwan time: Sep. 20th from 7:30-9:00). In addition to the first meeting, there will be one meeting later in the fall, as well as a winter and spring session. The meetings are set up to help facilitate exchanges with your partner teacher.
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12. I would like to register for a 1 credit class(More details about this in September.) *
13. Proficiency with the following digital platforms is not required to be a part of this project, but it is helpful! Please mark the column that applies to each platform.
Google Slides
Book Creator
I am comfortable using this and excited to apply in my partnership
I don't know how to use this, but would use it with some additional training
I am not interested in using this platform
My district will not allow access to this platform
14. Is there anything else you would like tell us? *
15. * Only applicable for Taiwan school teachers:
This is my ____ year involved with ETA/ ETF project in Taiwan.(今年第幾年與ETA或ETF協同教學)
e.g. 0, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..........
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