Register - 21st November 4pm GMT - Roadmap to Safer Biometrics in the Humanitarian Sector

The International Committee of the Red Cross and Simprints Technology invite you to the webinar launch of our new joint initiative that aims to develop an open source biometric toolset for the humanitarian sector.

Biometric technology has the potential to significantly increase effectiveness in front-line humanitarian aid delivery whilst ensuring that those without formal ID are not excluded. However, the qualities which make biometric data powerful also introduce risks and these risks must be mitigated to ensure responsible use of sensitive identification technologies.

During this 60-min webinar session, we will be detailing the current limitations with using off the shelf biometric systems, and exploring cutting edge technologies that could result in highly effective unique Digital ID solutions for humanitarian emergency contexts. This session will cover practical and technical considerations presented by both ICRC and Simprints, followed by a Q&A. To sign up, please complete the fields below and you should receive the the Zoom Webinar link. Feel free to reach out to with any technical concerns. We look forward to seeing you on November 21st!

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What are your biggest challenges around responsible deployment of biometric technology?
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