Enrol in the Mentoring Programme "Lost in Translation"
Hello, and thank you for your interest in joining Lost in Translation! I am happy that you have decided to change your career and have put your trust in me to guide you to your dream job.

Please fill out this form to enrol in one of my mentoring programme's three options.

After completing the form, you will receive a summary via email with all of the data about the course you have selected to purchase, as well as an invoice with the necessary information to complete your purchase. By submitting the form, you agree to the processing of your personal data in compliance with my privacy policy.

It will only take a few minutes, so enter all of your data and select the mentoring programme that is ideal for you, where you will learn all of the secrets and techniques for becoming a successful freelance translator.

If you have any questions, please email me at info@nicotranslation.com. I'll be happy to answer them and accompany you on this journey ;) 
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