2024-2025 First Year Experience (FYE) Program Application
All information is confidential and is only for program use.

For guaranteed fall 2024 priority registration complete all steps below by April 5, 2024
     -FYE Application
     -Grossmont College Application
     -Grossmont Onboarding Process (Orientation, Placement, Advising)

*All students accepted into the program will be added to our Remind application for specific program communication. Students may opt out at any time. Students will also be added to the FYE email list serve.

Feel free to email us at Grossmont.FYE@gcccd.edu if you have any questions.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
When are you applying to be a part of FYE? *
What is your Grossmont College Student ID #? (If you do not know or have not applied, please type N/A.) *
Last Name *
First Name *
Preferred Name
Contact Phone Number *
Student Email Address (Not High School Email) *
What is your preferred language? *
Gender *
What are your pronouns? (May select more than one option.) *
Ethnicity/Race (Select All That Apply) *
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) *
What high school did you last attend? *
My education goal at Grossmont College is the following: *
What is your primary educational interest? *
What are your hobbies outside of school? (Ex: swimming, video games, photography, etc.) *
Are you interested in receiving more information and/or joining one of our FYE Learning Communities for fall 2024? (Learning Communities are a set of linked GE courses taken by the same group of students) *
How did you hear about the FYE program? *
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