22-23 AB School Performance Course Audition RSVP
Please complete if you plan to attend August 13th, 2022 Performance Course Audition. Audition will be held at Alabama Ballet Center for Dance, 2726 1st Ave South, 35233. Time TBA

You must be registered with the Alabama Ballet School for the 22-23 school year in order to attend this audition (https://alabamaballet.org/registration/). Your registration fee also serves as your Performance Course Audition fee.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Age *
Last year's level and teacher (21-22). If new to AB, please list your previous dance school and years of training. *
Your contact information - please provide best email and phone number to reach you. *
Uma cópia das suas respostas será enviada para o endereço de e-mail fornecido
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