HSFA Life Stories Project

Thank you for being part of the Hans Schmidt Family Association's Life Stories project. We are trying to gather and preserve the life stories of individuals like yourself – individuals who can either trace their lineage to the shepherd Hans Schmidt (who lived from 1594-1680 in the Hesse region of Germany), or individuals who were married to one of Hans Schmidt’s descendants. We feel that your life story is an important one to include. This life story survey includes 30 questions. Your answers will be stored in the “EveryPast” system developed by Josiah Schmidt, so that your children, grandchildren, and/or other relatives may enjoy reading them for years to come. This system will eventually be available at www.EveryPast.com.

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Please read the following paragraph and type your name in the space below, if you wish to participate in the Life Stories project: 

"I do hereby give to the Hans Schmidt Family Association and EveryPast Inc a permanent, royalty-free license, without restrictions, to transcribe, digitize, host, store, copy, publish, provide access to, and otherwise use my answers to all the following questions. I understand that my answers to all the following questions will be deposited in the online EveryPast system for the education and enjoyment of present and future family members and interested scholars. I also understand that my answers may someday be used in public presentations, such as documentaries, slideshow presentations, articles, history books, or museum exhibits. I understand that, even after I submit my answers, I will still be able to access them and make any use of them that I wish."

Type Your Name Below, as an Electronic Signature:

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