Questions about Vermont's PDG Renewal Grant

Vermont has been awarded a $23 million federal grant to strengthen the state’s early childhood system, support the early childhood workforce, and improve the quality and availability of services for children from birth to age 8. The Preschool Development Grant (PDG) Renewal Grant will provide the state with approximately $7.7 million per year for three years (2023–2025), with $2 million of subgrants going to local communities annually to support mental health care for children and families, high-quality child care, and family engagement along with support for the early childhood workforce. The new grant-funded initiative, titled “Vermont Integration Project: Building Integration in Vermont's Birth-5 Early Childhood Systems (VIP B-5),” was awarded to the Vermont Agency of Human Services’ Child Development Division and will be collaboratively directed by Building Bright Futures, the Vermont Department of Health’s Division of Maternal and Child Health, the Vermont Agency of Education, and the Vermont Department of Mental Health.

The PDG Directors meet on a regular basis. Questions submitted here will be reviewed and will inform an FAQ document that will be posted on the website. We are unable to respond to each question directly. Please provide your email to receive updates about the Preschool Development Grant. 
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