High School – Principal – Survey
Eden Valley-Watkins School District is beginning the search for the individual who will serve as the next high school principal. One of the first steps in the process will be creating a profile of the ideal candidate for the position that is based on feedback from the school’s students, staff and parents/guardians. To assist in gathering this information, we created a brief survey that the EVW community can use to share their thoughts about the leadership qualities and characteristics they believe the next principal should possess. The survey will remain open until Friday, October 21. Thank you for participating in this important district function.

The following Instructional Leadership Practices (ILPs) are researched based, endorsed by MDE, and aligned to state and national principal standards.

Mission and Vision:
Develops a shared mission, vision and goals
Teacher Leadership: Develops an instructional leadership team and fosters teacher leadership
Cultural Responsiveness: Recognizes and respects student’s strengths, diversity, and culture
Instructional Feedback: Provides meaningful and effective instructional feedback to teachers
Change Leadership: Leading through change effectively for continuous improvement
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: Develops an aligned system
Culture: Builds a trusting and positive learning culture

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What is your current connection to EVW High School?


Using the ILP information above, please select your 3 most important principal performance standards. 

Select up to 3
Mission and Vision
Teacher Leadership
Cultural Responsiveness
Instructional Feedback
Change Leadership
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

How important is it that the next principal have administrative experience?


How important is it that the next principal have teaching experience?


How important is it that the next principal have successful experience and knowledge of special education and the laws that affect it?


How important is it that the next principal have an understanding and appreciation for diverse student needs, and academic and behavioral disparities?


How important is it that the next principal understands how to empower EVW high school stakeholders?


How important is it that the next principal has experience and knowledge in teacher development and professional learning communities?

Select the top 5 following leadership qualities that you believe the Principal of EVW High School should posses.
Select up to 5
Instructional Leader
Problem Solver and Collaborator
Effective Communicator and Listener
Values Diversity, Inclusion, Equity
Highly Visible
Empowers Teachers, Staff, and Students
Demonstrates Charisma and Optimism
Demonstrates Patience, Flexibility, and Understanding
Transparent, Accountable, Fair, and Honest
Caring, Nurturing, and Approachable

In your own words, describe the type of principal you believe would be the best fit for EVW High School.

In your own words, what you do believe is the top challenge that the next EVW High School principal will be faced with?

Share any feedback you wish to be considered in the selection process.

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