Go Virtual Intersession 2021 - Participant Application
This application is for Chico State faculty interested in participating in the Go Virtual Intersession to design and digitize one spring 2021 course. Faculty must be available from January 6 to January 15, 2021. See Schedule-At-A-Glance http://tiny.cc/ChicoGoVirtual.   Deliverables are due on January 19: 2021.

If you have questions, please email Kathy Fernandes, kafernandes@csuchico.edu
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Position *
If you are a Teaching Assistant, are you the instructor of record and/or do you bear the primary responsibility for designing and teaching the course/section? (PLEASE RESPOND ONLY IF YOU SELECTED TEACHING ASSISTANT IN THE PREVIOUS QUESTION)
Batalkan pilihan
Department *
College *
Did you participate in one of the Go Virtual Summer Institutes? *
Course Abbreviation (e.g. Math 105) *
Course Title (e.g. Introduction to Statistics) *
Number of Course Units *
Number of students likely to enroll (all sections) based on last enrollments? *
How many sections of this course are usually offered in the spring? *
Does this course have a track record of low student success? (>10% D, F, or Withdrawal)? *
Does this course have significant equity gaps *
Is this a lab or performance arts course? *
Is this a GE course? *
Is this course for first-year students? *
What are you most interested in learning in the Go Virtual Intersession? *
Other comments or notes for reviewers? *
Do you agree and commit to the following deliverables due January 19, 2021? "At the conclusion of Go VIrtual Intersession, faculty will submit to their respective mentor:  1) an accessible and inclusive syllabus; 2) one to two page outlined course plan for the semester; 3) Blackboard course setup and ready for the first 2 weeks of the semester, and 4) create and publish (to a private channel) a video sharing a tour of your course and/or course design. More information will be provided during Go Virtual. *
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