Terry Fox Montessori School Waitlist Form - School year  2026 - 2027                                     All available spots for the year 2025 have been filled. We kindly request that you only complete the waitlist form if you intend to enroll your child in September 2026, for the 2026-2027 academic year.                        Thank you for your understanding.
Terry Fox Montessori  - Waiting List Policy
  1. There is no cost or obligation associated with being placed on the waiting list; simply complete the form below.
  2. The intake months for enrollment are September and January.
  3. Upon submission of the waiting list, parents will be informed accordingly based on availability in the preferred program.
  4. As spots become available, we will make arrangements for you to visit Terry Fox Montessori School.
  5. Following your in-person visit, you will be given a 48-hour period to decide if you wish to enroll your child in our program.
  6. If you would like to inquire about your child's status on the waitlist, feel free to email us.
  7. We kindly request that you keep us informed if you have secured an alternative space and no longer require a spot on our waitlist.
  8. Terry Fox Montessori reserves the right to admit or refuse students based on what is deemed best for the overall program. Priority will be given to families with siblings and those committed to the 3-year Montessori Work Cycle, which is a core value of the Montessori Teaching Pedagogy.   if a child does not finish the 3 year Casa program, any younger siblings will not be able to enrol. 

email:                   alia@tfmontessori.com 

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