Impact of Substance Sponsorship on Formula 1 Fan Enjoyment
Hello fellow Formula 1 fan! 😊

My name is Julia, and I'm completing my bachelor thesis on Substance Sponsorship in Motorsport. I want to investigate what current fans think about tobacco/nicotine and alcohol sponsorship in the sport. 

I would love to get your opinion on the matter! Please answer this couple of questions, that I need to complete my research. 

The questionnaire is completely anonymous! I don't record your name or email address, just your answers. 

Feel free to share it with any Formula 1 enjoyer you know!
Thank you so much!
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What is your age? *
How many years have you been a Formula 1 fan?
How often do you watch Formula 1 races?
Are you aware of alcohol sponsorships in Formula 1?
Are you aware of tobacco/nicotine sponsorships in Formula 1?
How do you feel about alcohol sponsorship in Formula 1?
1 - Strongly negative, 2 - Somewhat negative, 3 - neutral, 4 - somewhat positive, 5 - strongly positive
Strongly negative
Strongly positive
Why? What is your reason? *
Short and long answers, welcome :) If you're not sure, just answer "not sure". 
How do you feel about tobacco/nicotine sponsorship in Formula 1?
1 - Strongly negative, 2 - Somewhat negative, 3 - neutral, 4 - somewhat positive, 5 - strongly positive
Strongly negative
Strongly positive
Why? What is your reason? *
Short and long answers, welcome :) If you're not sure, just answer "not sure". 
Do you think alcohol sponsorship impacts your enjoyment of the sport?
1 -  Significantly decreases, 2 - Slightly decreases, 3 - No impact, 4 -  Slightly increases  , 5 -  Significantly increases
Significantly decreases
Significantly increases
Do you think tobacco/nicotine sponsorship impacts your enjoyment of the sport?
1 -  Significantly decreases, 2 - Slightly decreases, 3 - No impact, 4 -  Slightly increases  , 5 -  Significantly increases
Significantly decreases
Significantly increases
Bonus Question! Which driver or team do you root for this season? 
Answer not required :)
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