Which program will suit you best?
After you answer the questions below, Corinne will be in touch to set up a free discovery call! There is no obligation to join a program, instead the call will allow you a few moments to chat with Corinne about your current stressors and find out how she can support you. 
E-mail *
Your name *
Please leave information for Corinne to contact you to set up your free discovery call (email or phone).
How comfortable are you with disappointing people? *
avoid it at all costs
very comfortable
How hard is it for you to establish and practice boundaries? *
easy peasy
boundaries are non existent
How often do the actions of others cause you to have a strong reaction, seemingly disproportional to the situation? *
all the time
How often do you prioritize the needs of others? *
all day long
How tired do you feel in the day-to-day? *
very energized
constantly exhausted
How much attention do you pay to your body sensations? *
highly attentive
How much attention do you pay to your thoughts?  *
highly aware and not controlled by them
How much do your emotions control you? *
notice and not controlled
dominated and manipulated by them
How much do you know about your Inner Child? *
extremely familiar
How much do you trust yourself?  *
not at all
 How often do you ensure your needs are met? *
How much do you rely on the people in your life? *
not at all
reliance alongside interdependence
How often do you bypass your own inner wisdom? *
Regarding emotions, which response is most common for you? *
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