Unity Statement: Justice For the New Bataan 5!
JOIN Anakbayan-USA, Kabataan Alliance, and the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines in our National Week of Rage to demand justice for the New Bataan 5!

We Filipino youth, community organizations, Indigenous Peoples advocates, educators, and allies condemn the brutal murder and torture of the New Bataan 5 by the 10th Infantry Division (ID) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) as a violation of International Humanitarian Law and basic human rights!

We demand justice for the New Bataan 5 and an independent, thorough investigation into their deaths! We demand an end to all attacks on the Lumad people and the Save Our Schools Network, including the lies the military and National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) are peddling about Chad, Jurain, Elgyn, and their two unnamed drivers! We demand the US government pass the Philippine Human Rights Act (PHRA) to ensure our tax dollars do not go toward funding military and police that commit such gruesome massacres.

We commit ourselves to taking action and mobilizing our communities to do the same during this national week of action and beyond.

Justice for Chad! Justice for Jurain! Justice for Elgyn! Justice for the New Bataan 5!

Dugang Kadasig!

If your organization would like to sign onto the unity statement, please fill out the form below. For any questions, please email kabataanalliance@gmail.com, anakbayan.usa@gmail.com.

Link to unity statement text: tinyurl.com/unity-newbataan5
Link to this form: tinyurl.com/sign-newbataan5
National Week of Action Toolkit: linktr.ee/newbataan5
More Details: anakbayanusa.com/newbataan5
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