Welcome to Jefferson’s Got Talent! Everybody’s got an act! Please read below and tell us more about yours!


School Site Rehearsals:
Wednesday, March 30 - solo acts
Wednesday, April 6 - solo acts
April 20 - group closing act
April 27 - group closing act
Time: 4-6PM
Location: Jefferson Cafeteria

Theater Tech Rehearsal:
Dates: Thursday, May 5, 2022
Time: 5:00PM– 7:30/8:00PM
Location: Redondo Unified High School Auditorium
Preparation: Come dressed in costume with hair and make-up done. Final edited song selection must be submitted prior to this rehearsal, preferably a week in advance. Acts must be finalized. No song changes after this date!

SHOWTIME! Jefferson’s Got Talent!
Date: Saturday, May 7, 2022
Call Time for ALL Performers: 4:00PM
Show Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: Redondo Unified High School Auditorium
Preparation: Come dressed in costume with hair and make-up done
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Student(s) Name(s) *
Parent Name *
Parent(s) Email(s) *
Parent(s) Phone Number(s) *
Name of the act *
Is this a Solo (individual) Act or a Group Act? *
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Song Title (if playing a song, singing a song, dancing, etc.) Please type N/A if not applicable) *
Preferred Audition Date: *
Responses to this form can be edited after submission.  Final acts need to be confirmed and music accompanying the acts need to be submitted before the deadline, April 27, 2022.
* Students must attend Jefferson Elementary and currently be in grades 1st-5th.
* This is a supportive & fun environment, there are no judges (parents included) so always think of a compliment or something nice to say.
* Cheering, clapping, movin’ & groovin’ is encouraged!
* Each performer has been allotted 2.5-3 minutes to perform a solo, duet, or group act.
* By the first Tech Rehearsal, all performers must submit their own MP3 music edited to 2.5-3 min or bring their own instrument (with the exception of piano, which we will provide)* Please be respectful of other performers and do not interrupt their time on stage.
* All students must be registered with signed waivers
* Jefferson’s Got Talent reserves the right to disallow any act or costume that does not fit into a family friendly atmosphere.
* Students are responsible for their own costume, hair, make-up, instruments, sheet music and any props you may need
* Jefferson’s Got Talent provides a wonderful stage, lights, and microphones for your performance.
* This is a large theater big enough to invite parents, grandparents, family, friends, and the entire community so feel free to spread the word.
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