Anabel's Grocery Customer Survey
Take this short survey and receive 50 customer reward points!
Email *
Does shopping at Anabel's significantly benefit you in any of these regards? *
Is what you buy from Anabel’s a significant portion of what you regularly eat? ie. do you rely on Anabel’s for most of your groceries? *
How often do you shop at Anabel’s *
What day(s) do you normally come to Anabel’s? *
Are there products that you want but are often sold out or out of stock by the time you come to Anabel’s? *
What are your favorite two products from Anabel’s? *
What are any two products you would like to see sold by Anabel’s? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? *
If you haven't created an Anabel's account, register with your Cornell email using this link. You'll receive 50 points for filling out this survey! *
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