2023-24 Assignment 5 Introduction to Time Series
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All questions are compulsory. Choose the correct alternative.
7 Questions
1. Increase is agricultural production is due to ……… *
1 ポイント
2. Time series analysis enables us to ……….. *
1 ポイント
3. Cyclical variation caused by …………… *
1 ポイント
4. The variation in the production due to strikes in a company is……. *
1 ポイント
5. The long term regular movement in a time series is called as……… *
1 ポイント
6. In time series Analysis the period of cyclical variations is always...... *
1 ポイント
7. The sales of departmental store on Dushera and Diwali are associated with the ............ component of time series. *
1 ポイント
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