Feedback for LoveCrafts
We'd love to know if there's anything we could do to make sure you have the best experience with LoveCrafts. All questions are optional and anonymous.

If you have any questions you'd like an answer to, please reach out to our Smiles team instead, via this form:

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What's the one thing we could do to make your experience at LoveCrafts great?
What did you love most about Deramores? (Please choose three)
Where else do you shop online for craft supplies?
Which crafts are you interested in? Select all that apply.
Tell us about the products you'd like us to stock
What's most important when choosing your next craft project? Please choose up to 5.
We want to make LoveCrafts an even better home for makers - is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your dream crafting store and what it would have?
Please let us know if there's any other feedback you'd like to share
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