The Shift Interest Form
Hiya! It's Nika @ The Shift.

Interested in sharing your story, writing a guest post, or giving a talk/workshop for my readers? Fill out the form and I'll be in touch. 

Paying members can submit a question for 📩 Reader Mailbag: Ask me anything about writing, publishing, or whatever you like. 

I'll answer your question in an upcoming post, discussion thread, or send you a resource or contact who can help (can be anonymous, if you prefer - just let me know).

Cheers, Nika 🥂

Writer & Founder, The Shift | Firebird Studio

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What would you like to do? Select all that apply *
📩 Reader Mailbag: ask your question (if you don't want me to use your name / publication in the reply let me know)
Anything else I need to know?

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