Creating Careers Webinar: Healthcare Science Careers
Welcome! Here you can sign up to the Creating Careers webinar focused on Healthcare Science Careers. You will hear from NHS professionals, develop your understanding of the sector, understand the pathways you can take to pursue this career, and have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

If you wish to sign up to other webinars please find their links here:
This webinar will be delivered live over Zoom from 4.30pm to 5.30pm on the 7th of July 2022. These webinars are available for students in Year 9 or above.
You will receive the Zoom link within the week prior to the webinar as well as access to the Google Classroom which includes resources to help you prepare and get the most out of these webinars. Registration will close 5th July at 12pm.
What is your full name? *
What school or college do you attend? Parents/Carers please put your young person's school or college. *
How would you describe your gender?
What is your email address? Please use your personal email address as often school email addresses cannot receive external emails. *
What is your home postcode? *
What is your date of birth? *
What is your ethnicity? *
Do any of the following statements apply to you? *
With your permission, we will use your personal details above to measure the effectiveness of the work we do, including the impact our activities have on students' future education choices. Practically, this involves recording this information on a secure database (the Higher Education Access Tracker). This information will only be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes and will not affect you individually in anyway. Data collected in this document will be stored in accordance with the DPA and GDPR, with Shaping Futures as the data controller. We will hold this information for 10 years. If at a future data you would like to have your data removed, would like a copy of your data or have any questions, please contact you reside in another UniConnect region, your data will be shared with the UniConnect for that region, including Greater Manchester Higher for students in Greater Manchester, Hello Future for students in Cumbria and Future U for students in Lancashire. Do you consent to the use of the information in this form for the purposes described? *
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