CDH Learning - First steps in Version Control with GitHub
Application forms should be completed by Friday 16 February, 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by end-of-day Wednesday 21 February.

Version control helps you to write code for your research more sustainably and collaboratively, in line with best practices for open research. You might use code for collecting, analysing or visualising your data, or something else. Everyone who codes in some way can benefit from learning about version control for their daily workflow.

This workshop will cover the importance of version control when developing code and foster a culture of best practices in FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible) code development. We will take you through the basic use of GitHub to help you store, manage, and track changes to your code and develop code collaboratively with others.

Places will be prioritised for students and staff in Arts & Humanities, Humanities & Social Sciences, libraries and museums. If you study or work in a STEM department (e.g. Geography) and use humanities or social sciences approaches you are also welcome to apply.

Designed with beginners in mind, this workshop caters to those who have not yet delved into Git or GitHub. While prior knowledge of a programming language (e.g., R or Python) would be beneficial, it is not a prerequisite.
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Status (e.g. PhD Student, University teaching officer, researcher, librarian) *
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How would you apply what you learn in this course to your study, research or work?
(approx. 50-75 words)
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