Global Intergenerational Policies and Programmes: Submit your Evidence
Submit your Intergenerational Policy or Programme

Thank you for responding to our call for evidence for Global Intergenerational Policies and Programmes. Use this form to tell us about yourself, give us some details about the policy, and submit your evidence.

About the project
Intergenerational England, in partnership with the Connecting Generations programme at the University of Southampton, are bringing together examples of intergenerational policies and approaches from around the world to build a Global Intergenerational Evidence Bank.

What we want to know

1. What intergenerational policies and approaches have been implemented around the world?

2. What outcomes are associated with intergenerational policies around the world and who benefited from them? 

3. What barriers and enablers are associated with these policies?

You can find out more about the project at
If you have questions or comments about the project you can email
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