Skin Care/Basic Color FOLLOW UP
Please provide your honest pampering experience.
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Fluff your hair, look at yourself arm's length away in the mirror!
What do you like most about what YOU see???
Of the MaryKay Products you tried today which ones did you like the most? *
List the MaryKay Products you would like to earn for FREE!  *
What MaryKay Products would you like to try at your follow up appointment? *
At YOUR follow up Appointment with me we can fine-tune your skin care regimen to make sure things are working the best for you. 
I am your Personal Beauty Consultant. I am here to make sure you have the right products and not a drawer of cosmetics that don't work for you!
What Personalized services would you benefit from?(check all that apply)
Mary Kay's Mission is to ENRICH Women's lives. 
Think of your Favorite Girlfriends that you can always count on, you truly appreciate, and now imagine enriching their lives! I would like you to give them the opportunity and treat them as the special women they are, by giving them a complementary pampering session.
Just jot down the names of your girlfriends that you appreciate with their phone numbers and how are you related to them and I'll contact them and surprise them on your behalf with a complementary pampering session. Most women are super excited to book a no cost pampering session. Now, if they say 'no,' I just say, ok, thank them for their time, and ask them to call you and thank you for thinking of them.
Plus the best compliment that you can pay me as your Personalized Beauty Consultant are referrals. So thank you for entrusting me with your girlfriends, it is an honor and a privilege and I don't take it lightly!
I want you to imagine you're going into your closet to find a special outfit you wear to a party or a special occasion. Can you see it? 
I want you to think of the accessories that go with it like; your jewelry, the handbag, those shoes. 
Now I want you to think about how much that complete outfit cost. 100?, 200?, 300? or More?
In the last year, how many times have you worn that outfit?
OK, let's put price into perspective, because that outfit is going to sit in your closet 364 days out of the year and you may only wear it one time. 
But you'll wear Mary Kay products every day not just on special occasions.
And what's the first thing people see when they meet you? YOUR FACE! 
That's why skin care is the best investment you can make in your appearance.
You can't throw your whole face away and buy a new one like clothes… Which is why I enjoy teaching women just like you, how to keep the face you have looking radiant and beautiful so you will always feel confident when you look in the mirror!
My question is what are you most comfortable finaically starting to keep yourself looking radiant and beautiful today?
Call/Text me at 402-657-0306 to set up your follow up appointment and earn MK rewards in the next 24hours
Purchased your product on my personal Mary Kay page and earned MK rewards in the next 24 hours.
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