Trans Aid Cymru Meal Share form
Thanks for showing your interest in the meal share! We've asked you to fill out this form because it's much easier than going back and forth through messenger or emails to ask you lots of questions. We are asking some demographic questions (like your age, gender etc.) so that when we apply for grants we can show them that we have X number of people in Y demographic using our services. You don't have to answer any questions you don't want to.
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What is your name?
(This is so that we know who is answering this form and we can make sure we always give you meals that match your needs and preferences)
Please provide some contact details such as an email, phone number, or direct link to a facebook, twitter, or instagram account so that we can contact you
Please list any allergies or intolerances you have that we need to know about. It is helpful for us to know how sensitive your intolerance/allergy is.
(This is so that we know whether preparing meals for you means just not including certain food items, or whether it means using entirely different utensils to avoid any possibility of cross-contamination etc.)
Please tells us about any other preferences you have (eg. vegan, vegetarian, Kosher, Halal, don't like spicy food, can't stand parsnips etc.)
What is your address?
(This is so that we can deliver the meals to you. You don't have to provide your address, but if we don't know your address you will have to pick up your meals from the project coordinators in Roath)
Please tick all of the appliances you have and are happy to use
(This is so that we know what kind of meals and packages to send you)
If you are interested in helping to provide meals for other people as well, please provide your mobile phone number below so that you can be added to the Meal Share Volunteer WhatsApp
Please tells us whether we have permission to store your contact details and address
We keep a secure spreadsheet of information about who wants meals and what their dietary requirements are etc. Personal details like address and contact details will be deleted 12 months after you have last used our service. This spreadsheet is password protected and can only be accessed by two project coordinators. If you don't give us permission to store your information we might have to ask you for the same information (your address, dietary requirements, contact details etc.) every time you request a meal.
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This scheme is an informal, community-run project. While we do our best to make sure that our food practices are safe, these meals are being prepared and stored by volunteers in their homes, so we can't guarantee the same food safety standards that cafes and restaurants require. By ticking 'yes' below, you indicate that you understand and agree to these terms.
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