Creative Kids Club Registration
Creative Kids Club is a daytime program for children ages 3-5. This is an eight week session program and is seperate from the dance studio program.

Students will meet twice a week for 2.5 hours and learn socialization, cognitive and coordination skills. We will learn through creative movement, music, songs and imagination. The morning will begin with music and songs, leading into creativement and expressions. Each day will have a craft that associates with our book and will then be used with our "reenactment" (pretend play). Free play and tumbles will finish out our morning. Please have students bring a labeled water bottle. Snacks will be provided.

All students must be fully potty trained to attend.

Pre-Registration is required: $160 per 8 week session
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Email *
Child's Name *
Date of Birth *
Address *
Phone Number *
Mother's Full Name *
Phone Number *
Father's Full Name *
Phone Number *
Allergies/Medical Conditions *
Emergency Contact Person *
Phone Number *
Primary Care Physician *
PCP Phone Number *
Insurance Provider/Member ID *
Session(s) *
Each session cost $160. We do provide sibling discounts. PayPal Invoices will be emailed before the start of your selected session(s). You may choose to use this feature to pay by credit or debit card, or pay by check made Payable to SVDC. Please note that any returned check will be subjected to a $35 return check fee.
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